Stefan Manevski

Born in Skopje, Macedonia | 1934 – 1997

Southern Star, 1965 | Instant of the Time, 1966 | Composition, 1966 | Non-Functional Mechanism, 1966/1967 | Morbid Nucleus, 1966/1967 | Drawing, 1963 | Town Burning Down, 1964 | Untitled, 1968 | Wing Sculpture, 1968Reflecting Nucleus, 1968 | Sculpture 1, 1970 | Sculpture 2, 1970 | Sculpture 7, 1973 | Sculpture 12, 1972/1973 | Untitled, 1978 | Sculpture 10-2, 1977 | Sculpture 10-1, 1978 | Light Informer 2, 1983