Boro Mitrikeski

1927, Prilep, Macedonia – 2018, Skopje, Macedonia


Reclining Female Nude, 1967

Wood, 24 х 40 х 120 cm

Acquisition: Purchased

Reference: 04346

*Unavailable online are ten Nude drawings and studies from 1954 referenced from 02333 to 02342 



Boro Mitrikjeski (Prilep, May 10, 1927 – Skopje, November 24, 2018) — Macedonian sculptor and member of the Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MANU). Boro Mitrikjeski has organized a large number of solo exhibitions, mainly in Macedonia and in the former Yugoslav republics, and at group exhibitions he presented Macedonian sculpture in several art centers in Macedonia and abroad, as Alexandria, Belgrade, Vienna, etc. He is a member of the art collective “Mugri”. In the past 60 years Acad. Boro Mitrikjeski has realized over 350 sculptural works such as figures, nudes, compositions, torso, then portraits and small plastic sculptures (wood, marble and bronze).

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