70s and the 80s in the Macedonian Art

25/12/2020 - 21/09/ 2021


The idea behind this project deliberation (as part of the series of MoCA’s exhibitions of presentation of problem-related art works commenced in the middle of the ‘90s) focuses on the challenging transient transformations, partially incorporated from the ‘60s, highlighted throughout the ‘70s and embedded in the ‘80s, with their continuation being significant for the ‘90s, as they promoted the unanticipated, exciting and transparent art scene in Macedonia.


The topicality of problem-related exhibitions is linked to the well-conceptualized aspects of interpretation, subjected to high criteria and with the works then analyzed in some presumed isolation; eventually, the entire production was characterized as contemporary. A gut challenge is required to locate the parallels of neutrality of the code bordering on the anachronous nature of the movements constituting a part of the comparability tied to the expected goal. The project realization is aimed at searching for relations between the two decades, for a possible continuity and, most importantly, at establishing the desired fragmentary of the work that shaped its representativeness. This is the part that is intended to remind the public of the transformations ready and willing to feel and experience these decades.


Curator: Marika Bochvarova Plavevska

Gligor Stefanov, Kite of All Kites, 1986/2019, object, straw, wood


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