26/10/ 2016 - 20/11/ 2016
Tapestry is a special and specific part of visual arts. As part of the “fine arts” it contains several elements of plastic art, which when combined together create its esthetics.
Tapisters (through centuries and even today) have to be familiar with the technological methods applied to the production of the materials used for making works. They prepare sketches and plan in advance for the final completion of the tapestry. Afterward, using the material chosen for the work, they form and draw out specific outlines, lines, and colors, thus, promoting the belief that, in fact, tapestry presents a special painting technique at the same time.
During its historical and technological development, materials, the way of making, themes, motives, esthetics, poetics, and presentations have all changed.
However, its basis for creating the work remains always the same – weaving thread by thread (wool, silk or something else) and its application which always serves the concept of decoration.
During its historical development, tapestry has been created by painters, sculptors, graphic artists, ceramists, designers of textile and clothes, scenographers… – artists belonging to both plastic and applied art.
Today, tapestry presents both designer’s and architectural work, sculpture, installation, illustration, scenography, drawing…stories that are being told by artists in a modern expression and with such esthetics that is compatible enough with the time in which they work and live.
This is the reason why this art deserves to be more at the centre of attention here with us as well.
By choosing to present to the audience, from the collection of applied art of the NM Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, I would like to emphasize the need of enriching this Miscellany with works from young tapisters. Then, I would like to point out the quality of the works from exquisite female artists, presented in this exhibition, and which are in possession by the Museum, and I would like to state one special reason, which is at the same time a guide in this project, – the necessity to transfer the love for creating tapestries to young generations.
The works presented in this exhibition have different themes, motives and expression. Through them, one can easily trace the evolutionary path of tapestry here and in the world – from figurative stories from real world, through expressionism with abstract elements, to visual messages, or expressions close to installation.
In collaboration with the Education Sector, this exhibition includes lecture by the famous female artist Dijana Tomokj Radevska, the purpose of which will be to bring closer the historical image of tapestry to its modern treating and expression. Workshops for high school students will also be organized, in which students will make tapestries together with the female artist. The works will be exhibited in our Museum.
Curator: Elizabeta Jankovska