Vesna Stefanovska: In Deep and Dance

04/09/2020 - 23/09/ 2020

“In deep and dance” exhibition by Vesna Stefanovska is displaying her artworks, made since 1998 till nowadays. Among them are installations in space, video installations, performances and ready-made contents, grouped in the cycles “Absеnce”, “Train reflections” “Come and see the time go by”, “Nobody’s” and “Timе piece”. During the exhibition in MoCa-Skopje, a performance/installation “Bedtime” took place, which examines the relations to the subconscious and intimacy.

Vesna Stefanovska is born in Skopje, in 1973, but today lives and works in Paris, France. She graduated in Sculpture and Fashion design from the Academy of Fine Arts of the Republic of North Macedonia. From 1997 to 2000 she lived in Prague, Czech Republic, where she graduated from the Academy of Applied arts. She has had solo exhibitions in France and Northern Macedonia and has participated in numerous group exhibitions abroad.

The exhibition was in collaboration with MoCa-Skopje and supported by the Municipality of Skopje, the Ministry of Culture of R. North Macedonia, and the French Institute in Skopje.


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